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This documentation is still under development so please help us out via PRs and other measures of assistance if you can.

Vorper is a team of volunteering developers from across the world with a unified goal: to make free and open source software better and faster. As of August 03, Vorper has 3 members who contribute to various open source projects, either by translating, bug fixing, and or programming.

Starting Vorper

When it was nearing the end of 2023, PH7NTOM had started to learn technology rapidly and explored a bunch of topics until he stumbled upon one that piqued his interest; open source. Once he found out how important open source was, he started Vorper, an organization to make open source better, and that's how we are here right now.

Joining Vorper

If you are interested in working with us frequently you can do so via E-Mail or by contacting one of our team members directly, we provide hands-on training for early applicants such as you and offer a couple of other benefits listed below:

  • Access: You will recieve access to all repositories owned by the Vorper organization on GitHub

  • Hosting: You will be provided hosting for any service that you wish to run, it shouldn't be too intensive however

  • Storage: You will be given access to a 20 GB private cloud storage solution hosted by us

You can apply to develop at Vorper here.

PH7NTOM's avatar
Web Developer and Author